Bible College
(ABS) 60 Units
ABS Degree Program shall consist of the following 30 core units plus 30 elective units. Fifteen (15) units must be completed with WOLCC or WOLCC affiliate center. Forty five (45) units may be assessed or transfer units if they meet degree requirements:
Bib-200 Old Testament Survey 3
Bib-203 New Testament Survey 3
Bib-205 The Synoptic Gospels 3
Bib-413 The Gospel of John 3
Theology/History Department 6
His-140 Church History 3
Thy-201 Christian Theology 13
Practical Theology/Ministries Department 12
Min-206 Evangelism 1 3
Min-140 Ministries Orientation 3
Min-141 ABC Ministry Lab 3
Min-241 ABC Ministry Lab 3
(BBS) 120 Units
BBS degree programs shall consist of the following 60 core units plus 60 elective units; assessed or transferred.
Bib-200 Old Testament Survey 3
Bib-201 A Pentateuch 3
Bib-203 New Testament Survey 3
Bib-205-A The Synoptic Gospels
Bib-207 The Book of Acts 3
Bib-413 The Gospel of John 3
His-140 Beginning Church History 3
His-250 Directed Research in Church History 3
Thy-201 Christian Theology 1 - 3
Thy-201 Christian Theology 2 - 3
Thy-202 Hermeneutics 3
Thy-204 Systematic Theology 3
Thy-416 Apologetics 3
Practical Theology 3
Min-331 Christian Counseling 3
Min-155 Homiletics 1 - 3
Min-206 Evangelism 1 - 3
Min-104 Ministries Orientation 3
Min-141 ABC Ministry Lab 3
Min-241 ABC Ministry Lab 3
Min-341 ABC Ministry Lab 3
Min-441 ABC Ministry Lab 3
(MBS) 30 Units
Candidates entering the MBS program shall have a Bachelor’s Degree including thirty (30) units of prerequisites in Biblical Studies. In some cases a candidate may request and receive assessment for prerequisite requirements. MBS shall consist of the following 30 units of core subjects:
Bib-501 Old Testament Advanced Research 1 - 3
Bib-503 New Testament Advanced Research 1 - 3
Min-501 Church Evangelism 3
Min-511 Homiletics 1 - 3
Thy-501 Systematic Theology 1 - 3
Thy-410 The Theology of Jesus Christ 3
Thy-411 Cults, Christianity, & Religion 3
Thy-502 Systematic Theology II - 3
Thy-503 Pastoral Theology 3
(M.Div.) 90 Units
Candidates entering the M.Div. program shall have a Bachelor’s Degree including thirty (30) units of prerequisites in Biblical Studies. In some cases a candidate may request and receive assessment for prerequisite requirements. M.Div. shall consist of the following 30 units of core subjects plus 60 units of elective subjects:
Bib-501 Old Testament Advanced Research 1 - 3
Bib-503 New Testament Advanced Research 1 - 3
Min-501 Church Evangelism 3
Min-504 Christian Ethics 3
Min-511 Homiletics 1 - 3
Thy-410 The Theology of Jesus Christ 3
Thy-411 Cults, Christianity, & Religion 3
Thy-502 Systematic Theology II - 3
Thy-503 Pastoral Theology 3
(D.Min.) 30 Units
Candidates entering the D. Min. program shall have earned a Master’s Degree including thirty (30) units of prerequisites in Biblical Studies. In some cases a candidate may request and receive assessment for prerequisite requirements. D. Min. shall consist of the following 24 units of core subjects plus 6 elective units:
Adm-602 Rational Pastoral Theology 3
Min-610 Homiletics II - 3
Min-704 Church Records 2
Min-707 The Church Library 2
Min-801 Church Officers 2
Min-660 Ministry Internship 12
Bachelor of Biblical Counseling
Master of Biblical Counseling
Doctor of Biblical Counseling
(BBC) 120 Units
BBC Program shall consist of the same basic 60 core units as the Bachelor of Biblical Studies, as well as the following thirty (30) core units, plus 30 elective units.
Cou-410 Premarital Counseling 3
Cou-415 Christian Counseling Practices 3
Min-33 Principles of Christian Counseling 3
Psy-201 General Christian Psychology 3
Psy-202 Educational Christian Psychology 3
Psy-203 Abnormal Christian Psychology 3
Psy-304 Bible Based Counseling 3
Psy-325 Preparing for Christian Marriage 3
Psy-401 Christian Social Psychology 3
Psy-411 Psychology in Biblical Counseling 3
Caring for People God’s Way - (BBC) 120 Units
I. Introduction to Biblical Counseling:
BICO-101 Becoming a Christian Counselor 4
BICO-102 Using Your Spiritual Gifts in Counseling 4
BICO-103 Helping others find Spiritual Significance in Life 4
BICO-104 The Power of Biblical Truth 4
BICO-105 Overcoming Depression Through Christ 4
BICO-106 Surviving Sexual Abuse: On the Threshold 4 Of Hope in Christ 4
II. Faith and Life
BICO-201 The Effective Christian People Helper 4
BICO-202 Bringing People Into God’s Presence 4
BICO-203 How to Help People Change: A Biblical Perspective 4
BICO-204 Heart Matters: Repentance and Godly Sorrow 4